The right purse or handbag can help a woman make a statement, and she may need several different styles to suit her outfits. Our collection of wholesale leather purses handbags includes everything from spacious shoulder bags for the girl on the go to sleek clutches for an elegant night out. Mirta’s selection of contemporary handmade bags will satisfy a variety of tastes and styles, with many of our bags designed by local contemporary brands.
The bags you’ll find in this collection of wholesale leather purses are created by the artisan from start to finish. The first step is to create a pattern for the bag, which is done entirely by hand and requires the highest level of skill. Once the pattern is made it is passed to the cutting artisan who cuts and prepares the leather for the actual bag. The bag will then be assembled by the stitching artisan, again all completely by hand and with the highest levels of precision.
The wide selection of wholesale leather western purses that you’ll find in this section is perfect for retailers who want to keep their clientele hip with the latest fashion accessories at a discount price. The designs range from messenger style skull and cross bone to genuine hair on hide cow print, giving your clients plenty of choices when they shop at your store or flea market stand. wholesale leather purses handbags